


waiting. waiting. waiting. waiting... so, do i have the job? what are the details? what's the offer? waiting. waiting. waiting. should know by today, i think.

in the meantime...

* lovely swim time for Belle on Wed + delicious tacos from a taco trailer for me! omg, soooo good
* a pretty awesome Tuesday with Shady Grove margaritas with Melita, around 3, then Tpop time and music class - I needed a good day like that!
* a fairly lazy wednesday... hearing from friends and updating my cell phone plan yet again since i went over my 1000 minutes last month and believe me, overages cost a lot! must get home phone soon.
* actually reading again. finished a whole book and started reading a novel. this is a big deal. also, if i get my job with my unpredictable commute - audio books from Audible!
* saw the Eddie Izzard documentary "Believe." Brilliant. I adore him. And there's a picture of him with Russel Brand from the film's premiere and omg how i wish i had been there just to see that.
* Amazing opening number at the Emmys. I love that they included Hurley.
* CraigyFerg back from vacation. Tan and looking good!
* My dog actually took care of me on the recent bad days when I got so depressed.
* The new TV season starts this month. Finally!!! CST, though, makes it weird.
* Wondering how my work hours will affect my personal life -- tv, music class, etc
* Will I ever make it to a hypnotherapist? I need a salary for that! While I make it back to Kim therapy anytime soon????? I really want to. I hate financial woes.

And today... waiting, waiting, waiting... I wish I knew exactly WHEN i will find out. Everything's in place, but there is 1 thing that might bite me in the ass. Plus, nothing's ever sure until it is absolutely sure. Where's my call? Will it be good news? Will I get a good offer on salary? I did everything I could; it's out of my hands now so all there is left is to wait.

Ugh, all this waiting, waiting, waiting... my stress and anxiety levels are way  too high. Difficult time falling asleep at night, so I am sleepy now. Should I sleep now and wait to be awakened by the phone? Makes me way too nervous.

I should pick up the novel I am reading. Or select and sort the materials I want to use on a collage project I have been wanting to make for A Very Long Time Now but i never start and just end up organizing the bazillion craft supplies i have. Or watch the 1st season of Mad Men to find out what all the fuss is about while i enjoy the show's wardrobe.

i feel glued to my chair, unable to relax, and my phone is practically glued to me. for the waiting. waiting, waiting, waiting...

1 comment:

  1. just a reminder that salary is only negotiable at the time of an offer. I know it's difficult to do but if you are not happy with the salary, do negotiate. They won't not hire you because you asked for more. Seriously, this is the only time you get to ask so take it. And, if they can't do salary, always try for vacation. New hires here only get 1 week - I got three (plus the extra money I asked for because insurance is expensive here). Something that wouldn't have happened until my 5th anniversary otherwise.


Be nice.